Friday, 23 March 2012

& so I AM BLESSED..with my 'BESTIES'

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

So busy we are, leading our separate lives, making sure that our loved ones receive the fullest attention that we can afford to give, juggling with the ever demanding needs of our career...we sometimes forgot, that we use to do the 'stupidest' thing ever..with that somebody we call friends. Having said that, why don't we take breather, free your mind...& try to remember that person, yes, that person who willingly became the 'partner-in-crime'

We are true friends because we  have dedicated each other, a special place, in our hearts........ 

Tasya (my overly emotional bestie) & me
Me & azna (my 'too kind at heart' bestie) in 2008 during my wedding
We will always be friends because despite seeing the ugly side of each other, we still find each other...  
Mida aka Yoda (my 'i dont know how to describe her innocence & ignorance' bestie!)

                              We are good friends because we put ourselves last, and our friend first ..

Sunday, 26 February 2012

BEWARE OF 'Shrinking-Brain'


Weekend is ending & weekdays are coming, more problem solving to do, more advise to be given, more planning & strategizing to do...bla bla bla...& of course more 'emptying-my-not-too-deep pocket' to do (since last week was pay day, but not husband's, phew!)..I was just watching this TV Program on human brain (couldn't remember which channel since so busy trying to persuade my 5 month old-always-hungry-all-the-time-baby that the nestum taste as good as mummy's milk, which she rejected!)

Well, according to the study, we human will perform at our best mentally, absorbing all the information & knowledge at our 20s, & by the age of 30 plus, burden of life will begin to have a toll on us; eg job, financial, family related stress. Some amount of stress is good, for example, for firemen who have to undergo stressful & hazardous situation in an effort to save human lives, however, repeated stress will cause some of your brain-cells or area (or whatever part of the brain, didn't pay that much attention since ALIA was still playing with her food!) to shrink...

That being said, as a compensation from suffering 'shrinking-brain' as a result of having to figure out how to solve what ever issues that suddenly appeared in a form of 2-liner statement in my in-box, requiring at least 5 (usually more) working days & 20 other people to physically meet & discuss one what is the best way to solve the issue at hand, can I ask the insurance company to also recognize the above as some sort of permanent disability, eligible for some amount of compensation? 

Anyway, it is good to share some de-stressing tips:

1. Always remember that, this too, will pass (when ever you find that  
    everything/everybody, including your children is against you!)

2. Read aspiring & motivational books (fashion magazine can also be aspiring what!)
3. Go for a spa/massage/mani & pedi (no worries, GROUPON & MYDEALS vouchers are  
     great in terms of pricing!)
4. Retail theraphy (even buying RM10 shawl to wear on Monday to the office does make a
    lot of different, at least to me!)
5. Indulge yourself with food, choc & anything sweet (what's the purpose of being so slim
     when you are miserable inside -->then again, how do you know that being slim does not
     make you happy?I don't mind losing a few kilos more, heheh!)

WHY BE SO STRESSFUL, ENJOYLA...remember, the most important thing is WHAT IS HAPPENING WITHIN YOU...not what is happening around you.

OK, now I'm off to pick up my kids at in-laws house (responsible mother leave their kids with their parents or in-laws when ever they are at the edge of losing their sanity..hahah!) Time to indulge with sweet-choc-fat-creamy cake, macaroons etc!!

Tuesday, 21 February 2012


It is very true when one said “what you will be in the next 5 years will be determined by what you read & the people you associate with.” which means, if you don’t read nor socialize, you will just be ‘nothing’?

At present, I am addicted to books by Robert Kiyosaki, Donald Trump & other motivational books (all of which will help maintain my sanity). These books primarily help me to look at the bigger picture of how the world works (especially when our our pockets are shrinking & when our attitude is no better than a 'donkey!') Anyway, I had a few emotional 'volcanic eruptions' last week, thanks to my hormones (& the books that I read). Suffice to say that I feel like a newborn with a whole new perspective of how I want my life to be. Anyway, actually I just want to share some pointers which might be worth to consider, on ATTITUDE:

  1.  If you find yourself consistently, continously & without fail, talking about the 'inconsiderate/unacceptable/' things that  others are doing, you might want to take a closer look at yourself, just so you notice that you are not perfect either.
  2. If you find that 'luck' is always not on your side, & that no matter how hard you work your ass off but no due recognition is given, you might want to ask; WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? .Working-hard to get due recognition by some other human who also seek recognition from another? Naah, I'll pass.
  3. If you find that the 'present' situation does not suit you, you might want to reconsider rephrasing the question to 'why couldn't I fit into that situation'? which of course can be answered if you know the PURPOSE OF YOUR LIFE!
  4. If you constantly feel that 24-hour a day is not enough for you to do "what-ever-important-urgent-cannot be delayed-matters" which then affect your mood for the day, you might want to stop thinking for a while & just be in that 'present' state & enjoy what you are doing.
After all, our ATTITUDE determines of how simple life can actually be, even when you are at the edge of losing your sanity. So, let's maintain a positive & healthy attitude, free of ill-will or malice & full of life & joy!

(pic above showing my 1st daughter practising her 'anger management' skill)

p/s: Bad attitude is contagious, but sadly, the good ones tend to stand-alone!


Monday, 6 February 2012


Dear Ladies (& Gents, in case there are guy readers)...Selamat Menyambut Maulidur Rasul
Tonight I am in the mood to write about marriage (not that I know that much about marriage, but just enough to keep my sanity). Before that, I shall make a short disclaimer to my other half (in case he reads this blog, since I have not "seriously" told him that I am now a blogger, SERIOUSLY?!)
      “Darling, we complement each other, tho there are times when I feel like eating you alive" (only if looks can kill!)
Anyway, I was just flipping through a magz for my next big project & came across this article entitled “12 ways to a happier household". I shall thank the author for the tips that she shared, for the greater good of all married couples, but I cannot help my self commenting on her tips. Why? Just for this simple reason-Men are Alien, Women are human. 
Before dwelling in detail, I shall again emphasize my stand which can be summarised as follows: “Marriage does not work when you stop making it work & the most apparent problem with married couples now is that they think marriage will be smooth sailing without their persistent effort to keep the boat floating.”
Anyway let’s go to the tips that she shared:
1.  The author wrote “shed-off miss capable”: Don’t let him know that you are capable, let him play hero.
My view: We are not playing hero, we are just women-human trying to get things done rather than having to wait for another 54 million years for our man-alien to get things done.

2.  The author wrote “offer to help him with hobbies”
My view: the last time he was into his hobby, he came back limping. No thank you.

3.   The author wrote “use casual remarks like –oh by the way, the hinges on the pantry door have come off”
My view: Our man-alien have the tendency to also listen casually when we use casual remarks, it’s like they heard it in the passing. Of course they pass the baton to us. Hmm, it’s just casual men-alien attitude.

4.  The author wrote “Give him time to sink in facts-tell him how exhausted you are & how you could do with a pampering. He may even cook dinner or do the dishes.
My view: You see, our men-alien is so alien that if they do hear us complaining of exhaustion, they’ll ask us women-human to stop working & become a housewife. Heheh..

5.  The author wrote “patience has to be the name of your game-when he refuse to help with the household chores, give him a hug & say, ‘perhaps next time’”
My view: You know, if we do follow this particular tip, we might end up being women-vampire instead! Haha…
With that I rest my case!
Note to my other half: Movie tomorrow is on yes? Hehe..

Friday, 3 February 2012

I am now a registered voter..or so I thought!

On Federal Teritory Day, whilst I was waiting for my other half (who was limping due to 'rempits' sport) waiting for his que to renew his passport, I registered myself as a VOTER at this small kiosk that people might have mistaken it to be temporary 'parking ticket' counter.

Yes people, I would like to gladly announce that at the age of 29 (plus 2 or more months) I have finally register myself as a voter. Now I can vote for the 'ideal' government (according to my belief system). However, much to my despair, I was informed that my name will only appear in the voter list in May? What?! You must be kidding me (there goes 1 vote to BN..I suppose). Why does it take that long for my name to appear in the list? What kind of procedures are in place just to verify that :
  1. I am Malaysian, residing in Malaysia
  2. I am real person, not a 'hantu'
  3. I am 18 thus eligible to vote
Come on people, we have UNIFI, WIMAX, P1 etc & what not..why does it take that long to verify my status? Enough being said about that, now I would like to give my views of an 'ideal' government according to my 'belief system':
  1. A gov who will be able to revamp the education syllabus in order to produce generation who is not only booksmart, but also 'smart in life' & ethical (& of course that does mean that you have to change the syllabus everytime a new minister is appointed)
  2. A gov who can help the rakyat in reducing living cost (education & training, toll charges, tax incentives etc)
  3. A gov who can provide better public transportation system & better road conditions
  4. Basically, a gov who can guarantee my kids, & their kids..a life where they can explore every opportunities that life has to offer
So, who shall I vote....(in case by God's will my name appears on the voter list, and I'm not referring to Undi Hantu)...wonder...